Monday, June 13, 2005

Distance Learning Development

There is some support that the process of development of distance learning classes is a group effort with about a third saying that curriculum developers, graphic media specialists and system administrators play a part in the development of courses. Two thirds indicate it takes from 9 weeks to a semester to put together an online course while 20% are taking from 6 months to a year. The most surprising information was that 91% estimated that the cost was less than $10.000. From this survey it is not clear how that estimate was made and what variables went into the estimate.

What is the real cost of development and how is it calsulated? Are earlier estimates in the $100,000 by some schools proving to be over estimates?

Is development moving into the hands of speecialists or are faculty being trained and expected to preform the role of online course developer?


At 5:48 AM, Blogger baseballmom said...

We compensate for course development so that does increase our cost but it is still no where near the estimates that some schools claim for course development. We pay one overload or one course release, it is work for hire usually, and we retain the copyright for the master course. My team of course development support will design the course, load it into Blackboard and add graphics and learning objects. But we believe this is one of our secrets to our success online, strong faculty support.


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